
We tend to talk about freedom of movement within the EU as an abstract concept. In reality, moving to a new place involves a million little moments of awkwardness, sweetness, and human vulnerability. This week, we bring you a story of what freedom of movement actually felt like, for a 14-year-old Romanian moving to Germany.

This is the second episode from our series This Is What A Generation Sounds Like: intimate stories from young Europeans across the continent.

You can watch the beautiful visual version of this podcast above, or listen below.

This series is co-produced with Are We Europe and made in cooperation with the Allianz Foundation.

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Producers: Andrei Popoviciu and Denisa Harbuz

Sound design: Andrei Popoviciu and Katz Laszlo

Editorial support: Katz Laszlo, Katy Lee, Dominic Kraemer and Priyanka Shankar

Music: Sat după sat by Robin and the Backstabbers; Limba Română and Frunzuliță, iarbă deasă by Subcarpați; Lavalamp by Phish Funk; Romcom and Days and Days by Gustav Kemps; The Way To Romania by She Said Destroy!; Chaos at the Spaceship by Out Of Flux; Follow The River by Delnova; Jim Barne. Additional music from Blue Dot Sessions and Artlist. SFX from

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