Support joyous, informative European journalism!
A huge amount of work goes into making our podcasts, from the meticulous research and fact-checking of our more chatty weekly shows to the scripting, production and scoring of our award-winning mini-series.
Our work is made possible by the amazing generosity of the listeners who help us cover our production costs each month.
Donating couldn’t be easier – simply hit the button to support us via our Patreon page. You can sign up for as little as €3 a month (many currencies are available); if you pay for a year’s support up front, you get a 5% discount.
We’ve built a lovely community of people among our supporters, which includes a secret Facebook group, live recordings and even occasional in-person meet-ups.
Thank you for making our work possible!
Help us crowdfund our new mini-series!
‘Who Does It Best?’ is a podcast mini-series about the best, most inventive policies across Europe. Which country is the best at making sure everyone has decent, affordable housing? The best at providing childcare that helps kids thrive, and enables parents to work as much as they want or need? Which country has the best policy on drugs? Europe is a giant laboratory for trying out different policies, which makes it a great place to figure out Who Does It Best.
Released in 2025, ‘Who Does It Best?’ will be the first series by The Europeans produced with 100% listener support.
We’re hugely excited about this series, and we’re also excited about making it in a way that’s transparent with our listeners about the editorial decisions we’ve made and how we’re spending your money.
You can find out all about the project, and help to fund it, here:
Make a one-off donation
We’re incredibly grateful for all forms of support for our work. If you’d prefer to make a one-off donation to The Europeans, please hit the button below.
Thank you so much!