Germany, Italy, Israel, Palestine, Romania, Switzerland RTiiiKA Germany, Italy, Israel, Palestine, Romania, Switzerland RTiiiKA

Influencer fraud, liveable cities and the Israel taboo

We’re kicking off the new year with a heady mix of urban policy, cake-based scandal and political controversy. Find out which European city ranks as the most ‘liveable’ in Good Week, and dive into the fraud case embroiling Italian mega-influencer Chiara Ferragni in Bad Week. And in this week’s interview, hear from historian Quinn Slobodian about the parallel he sees between the current discourse around Israel-Palestine in Germany, and events 50 years ago.

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Ukraine, France, The Netherlands, Russia RTiiiKA Ukraine, France, The Netherlands, Russia RTiiiKA

Fighting Putin, one meme at a time

How can cartoon dogs help fight Russian disinformation? This week, hybrid warfare expert Robert van der Noordaa gives us a crash course on the #NAFOfellas movement and why Ukraine has been so good at using internet humour since last year's invasion. We're also talking about France's riots and the Dutch king's apology for the Netherlands' role in slavery.

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