An unsung hero

This week, the Hollywood-worthy story of Janina Garbien. Her family hid a nine-year-old Jewish girl in their Warsaw home during the war; Janina would later fall in love with an Italian prisoner at a Nazi camp, lose him, and find him again. Ola Cichowlas tells us her grandmother's extraordinary tale. We also talk about a shocking case of police brutality and the controversy over France's security law. Plus, unfortunate village names and the truth about apples.

Ola is Moscow correspondent for Agence France-Presse (AFP). You can follow her here and read a beautiful thread about her grandmother here.

Katy guest-hosted the first episode of the new UN Women podcast Generations Talk Gender, featuring a conversation between a young Romanian feminist and a long-time activist in Serbia. Check it out here.

This week, the Hollywood-worthy story of Janina Garbień. Her family hid a nine-year-old Jewish girl in their Warsaw home during the war; Janina would later fall in love with an Italian prisoner at a Nazi camp, lose him, and find him again. Ola Cichowlas tells us her grandmother's extraordinary tale.

Philip and Laci


A country of dreamers