Germany, Romania, Bulgaria RTiiiKA Germany, Romania, Bulgaria RTiiiKA

Why are Europe's farmers so angry?

From France to Romania, Germany to Bulgaria, angry farmers have been blocking the roads. What's behind this wave of agricultural protests across the continent? This week we're getting to grips with the policies behind the food on Europe's plates with agriculture correspondent Sofía Sánchez Manzanaro. We're also dishing up some Polish recommendations and a slice of good climate news.

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Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary RTiiiKA Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary RTiiiKA

An Autocrat’s Guide to Destroying Local Media, Part 2

In Part 1, you learned how illiberal regimes have used the political tools at their disposal – and their rich friends – to turn the media outlets of democratic European countries into propaganda machines. In Part 2 we’re exploring the legal tools needed to complete the job and talking to local journalists who found themselves on the receiving end of these takeovers. Finally, we’re asking: how can you stop a wannabe autocrat doing this in *your* country?

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